" ELECT JACK OF GREEN MAPLE CANADA " By Errol Lee Shepherd A Sure Fire Winning Poem This Time, I'm Sure You'll Find, For Getting Jack Layton Elected In the Upcoming Canadian Federal Election! Hello There! I'd just like you to undertand the general THEME of this Poem! First of all, I always believed that Ed Broadbent should have been elected in the 1968 Canadian Federal Election away back then. My Grandmother Velma Booth loved the NDP back then, and she couldn't have been more delighted than if Ed Broadbent had won The June '68 Election. So, first I'm encouraging all 1968 Voters back then, to vote for Ed Broadbent, ...which will really change the course of Destiny critically for the better, ...and secondly, I'm also encouraging Voters of 2004 to vote for Jack Layton, in the present June Canadian Federal Election!